SpaceX could soon have more control over Texas public road and beach closures

Recent Texas state senate bills propose that officials in the potential Starbase city could control Boca Chica Beach closures during weekday launches and enforce evacuation orders. With a city establishment vote upcoming, the legislation could solidify SpaceX's influence in the area, primarily inhabited by its employees. If enacted, one bill would allow beach closures, while another would criminalize disobedience to evacuation orders, increasing SpaceX's operational authority within the community.
Republican state senator Adam Hinojosa's first bill, SB 2188, would let Starbase city officials (assuming the municipality establishment bill passes) decide when Boca Chica Beach is closed for weekday rocket tests and flights.
Hinojosa's second senate bill ( SB 2230) would make it a Class B misdemeanor for people on the beach not to comply with Starbase's evacuation orders.
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