The city that once consumed about 35% of the U.S.'s Fernet-Branca bottles and drank more per capita than anywhere in the world is still home to the No. 1 Fernet bar in the country. This feature is made all the more surprising if you've ever tried the dizzying and divisive dose of 27 ingredients, including rhubarb, chocolate, myrrh and other even stranger tinctures.
Even as the bitter herbal liqueur has risen in popularity in other major metros such as New York City, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas, it's still as synonymous with San Francisco as the Golden Gate Bridge - forever entrenched as the thing you gleefully order for friends visiting the city for the first time, if only to see their face after they drink it.
Gabriele Ferroni details the little known history of Bus Stop, explaining how its legacy has been intertwined with the neighborhood and its patrons since 1900, beginning as the Aly Inn and evolving through generations.