In Thailand, Locals Are Expanding on the Country's Queer Legacy

"Positivity always brings people in," shares Jermkwan, who opened the bar 13 years ago with Irish husband Sean L'Estrange. The couple, who legally married in the United States, take a brief reprieve from setting up for the night's show and, sinking into black leather armchairs, explain how Thailand has always been somewhat inclusive and appealing to LGBTQ+ locals and tourists for that reason. "If you dress like a drag queen walking around [the skytrain], it's no problem."
"As Thailand moves closer to legalizing same-sex marriage-something that's set to be finalized this year-that's only going to make Thailand more of a leader in the region and appealing to tourists," he said.
"Same-sex marriage really cements everything for me and for other people in terms of permanent, clear, cemented evidence of acceptance," says Thai-
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