Evelyn Aschenbrenner, an American who served in the administration of the Ukrainian International Legion until June, expressed her disbelief regarding Routh's actions, stating, "There's a streak of zealotry in him. I knew he was not firing with all pistons." Aschenbrenner's insights shed light on Routh's erratic behavior and motivations, indicating that his involvement in international issues might have been driven by a misguided sense of purpose rather than genuine concern.
Aschenbrenner recalled her cautious interactions with Routh, noting, "If you know people who have verified military experience, feel free to give them my number, and I can talk to them about the proper way of joining the International Legion." This reveals Aschenbrenner’s attempt to guide legitimate foreign recruits while distancing herself from Routh's unauthorized claims of being a recruiter.
In November of last year, Aschenbrenner took action to protect potential recruits from Routh's false claims, stating, "I began sending out a [message] to all foreign soldiers saying, 'This guy is not a real recruiter. He's not legit. I don't know what he's up to. Just stay away from him - block and ignore and move on.'" This demonstrates her dedication to ensuring that credible recruitment efforts were not undermined by individuals like Routh.