Lebanon-Syria border clashes reflect new realities on the ground

Recent clashes along the Lebanon-Syria border have highlighted tensions between the two nations, drawing in their armies and threatening state-building efforts. A ceasefire was reached on March 17, but experts indicate these clashes are a reflection of the fragile political environment following Bashar al-Assad's regime collapse, which has also contributed to Hezbollah's diminishing influence. The historical instability and lack of demarcation at the border have allowed smuggling and conflict to flourish, complicating the regional dynamics and raising new concerns about governance and authority for both countries.
Recent clashes along the Lebanon-Syria border have drawn in their respective armies and threaten to disrupt both governments' efforts to establish their authority.
Experts and analysts say the clashes are tied to the new reality on the ground, where Bashar al-Assad is no longer in power and Hezbollah's influence may be waning.
Following Hezbollah's intervention in the Syrian war, it extended its authority over both sides of the border. But after Bashar al-Assad's regime spectacularly collapsed in early December, a struggle emerged.
The Syrian-Lebanese border and the zones of influence along it is being redrawn, according to Armenak Tokmajyan of the Carnegie Middle East Center.
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