The family of Boris Nemtsov, a prominent Russian opposition leader murdered in Moscow a decade ago, released an intimate video featuring his mother, Dina, reflecting on his life and character in 2023. In the video, she shares anecdotes from his childhood, illustrating his talents and early political consciousness during the Soviet era. Born in Gorky, Boris became politically active amid Gorbachev's reforms and rose to be deputy prime minister under Yeltsin before opposing Putin's authoritarianism. This video provides a poignant glimpse into the personal and political legacy of a significant figure.
The teachers at school loved him. The girls called him 'the important one,' Dinanemtsova says in the video.
He was critical about what was happening in the country, Dina says. It was during Brezhnev's time when Boris was already aware that things were happening.
We started following politics when perestroika started. I can say it was that moment when he entered politics.