Issue with Generating Documentation Using PhpDoc for Namespaced Classes

Users have reported issues with PhpDoc skipping namespaced classes during documentation generation. The primary causes include improperly defined namespaces and missing or incorrectly formatted DocBlocks in the code. To troubleshoot, ensure class definitions are correctly organized according to the namespace structure and check if PhpDoc is configured to exclude certain namespaces. Additionally, updating PhpDoc to the latest version may help address potentially unresolved bugs related to namespaced classes.
The PhpDoc tool may skip namespaced classes if the namespace is not properly defined or if class annotations are missing or formatted incorrectly.
Make sure that the project structure aligns with the defined namespaces and that the class files are being correctly included in the documentation generation.
Check the PhpDoc configuration for any namespace exclusion settings or issues in the phpdoc command that may affect the parsing of namespaced classes.
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