Why the COVID Reckoning Is So One-Sided

The fifth anniversary of the pandemic highlights the polarization between liberals, who are engaging in self-reflection about their decisions during COVID-19, and conservatives, who mock them for their perceived mistakes. Columnist Zeynep Tufekci's critique of the scientific community's handling of the lab-leak theory prompted a dismissive response from conservatives, encapsulating a broader trend of self-congratulation among the right. Despite claims to the contrary, mainstream media outlets have explored the lab-leak hypothesis since 2021, showcasing a disconnect between conservative perceptions and reality.
The notion that the mainstream media are 'starting' to entertain the possibility that COVID came from a leak is completely false. New York magazine published a story supporting the lab-leak hypothesis in January 2021.
This sentence reveals less about its intended subject than it does about the pathological incuriosity that has come to define the American right.
Read at The Atlantic