Why Harris Lost

This was an angry election; none of that 'which candidate would you rather have a beer with' stuff here. Trump is an angry man representing angry constituents. Harris was angry that things were not going her way and constantly expressed the Hillary-esque idea 'How could I possibly be losing to a guy like Trump?' Both sides prioritized personal attacks over policy.
Harris lost because she tried to make 'Trump is a fascist' her closing argument, and no one was listening anymore. The girl had cried wolf for the last time. To be fair, Harris's fate also rested on the fact that she is wholly unqualified for the toughest job in the world.
She was an empty suit and kept showing it. A candidate created whole in the womb by the media with a past that supposedly did not matter and a future as vague as her recollections of that past. The border was her one job, and she made a royal mess out of doing nothing about the many problems.
Softball questions from the ever-so compliant mainstream media were met with ever-vaguer answers, bits of biography, and the odd nasty remark about Trump. It was Orange Man Bad all over, and the electorate had had enough.
Read at The American Conservative