The first day of that convention opened with Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser discussing how she created Black Lives Matter Plaza as a place for America to work through its racial reckoning. The keynote speaker, Michelle Obama, deplored the circumstances of the nation and its leadership.
Here at home, as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and a never-ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered, stating the simple fact that a black life matters is still met with derision from the nation's highest office.
Kamala Harris explained how the course of the COVID-19 pandemic was both a punishment for and illustration of Americans' many sins. She stated, 'This virus is not an equal opportunity offender: black, Latino, and indigenous people are suffering and dying disproportionately.'
The virus has no eyes and yet it knows exactly how we see each other and how we treat each other. We have got to do the work for change.