In my own case, I've been banging the gong of the abject condition of These States' seapower for some weeks, both in terms of the Formosa war everyone seems to be itching to have and our abandonment of the Red Sea to the irrepressible Houthis. I'm getting stale! And I don't like it.
But, instead, we've got to stick to the sorry state of American seapower, because this week the Navy crashed a ship. The maritime press puts it more delicately-"ran aground," they write-but I am not a mariner.
If I were to hop a curb in my trusty Mazda and tear enough of the bottom off that it fills with water and has to get a tow to the nearest garage, I would feel justified in saying that I crashed the car. I would also feel extremely bummed, as I must imagine our naval brass do.
The ship in question, the USS Big Horn, was the oiler accompanying the USS Abraham Lincoln's carrier group in its long schlep to the Pacific from the Persian Gulf region, where we've been idly mustering naval forces for about a year.