Meir Kahane, a far-right Israeli politician, was assassinated on November 5, 1990. Kahane espoused a violent ethnonationalism mixed with radical fundamentalism, advocating for the expulsion of Palestinians and segregation within Israel. He viewed violence as a Jewish value and called for the enforcement of his interpretations of Jewish law. Despite his controversial ideas gaining a small following, he struggled to gain mainstream acceptance and only made one brief appearance in the Knesset before his party, Kach, was banned. Kahane's legacy remains marked by extremism and rejection across Israel’s political landscape.
Kahane's belief that violence was a Jewish value underpinned his ideology, pushing him to advocate for extreme measures against Palestinians, which ultimately led to his death.
During his time in politics, Kahane’s extreme views and calls for segregation created a controversial legacy, coupling violent ethnonationalism with radical religious fundamentalism.