House Majority Leader Steve Scalise asserted that Democrats are misleading the public regarding Medicaid cuts in the Republican budget. However, a Congressional Budget Office analysis reveals that the GOP's budget resolution will necessitate deep reductions to Medicaid. This analysis, requested by House Democrats, highlights that Medicaid represents 93% of projected mandatory spending related to the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Rep. Brendan Boyle contends that the Republican plan is indeed misleading and warns it will lead to unprecedented reductions in Medicaid to facilitate tax cuts for the wealthy.
This analysis from the nonpartisan CBO confirms what we've been saying all along: Republicans are lying about their budget. Their plan would force the largest Medicaid cuts in American history - all to pay for more tax giveaways to billionaires.
The word Medicaid is not even in this bill. However, deep cuts to Medicaid would be required under the House GOP resolution, which President Trump has endorsed.