The Trump administration is offering a buyout to all 2 million federal employees who do not plan to return to in-person work later this year. Emails from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) are set to inform employees that they can retain benefits and receive pay until September if they resign by February 6. The White House anticipates that 5 percent to 10 percent of federal workers may accept this offer, which reflects ongoing tensions around remote work that increased during the coronavirus pandemic. Most federal employees must work on-site, and the administration aims to reinstate traditional work arrangements.
The Trump administration is offering all 2 million federal employees a buyout if they do not intend to return to work in person later this year.
An email to federal employees stated that OPM would begin sending out announcements about a new workforce policy starting tonight.
While remote work became common during the pandemic, the Trump administration aims to bring workers back to the office.
Approximately 5% to 10% of federal employees are expected to take the buyout offer, which could lead to hundreds of thousands resigning.