The Inner World of Hindu-Muslim Couples

Interfaith marriages in India remain exceedingly rare, with only 1% of married individuals having a spouse of a different religion. This statistic contrasts sharply with widespread claims of religious tolerance among Indians, as reflected in a Pew Research poll. Ashis Roy's new book addresses the complexities of Hindu-Muslim marriages, exploring the psychological dimensions of couples facing societal pressures while navigating their cultural identities. Despite romantic portrayals in Bollywood cinema, real-life instances of such unions are quite rare, revealing deeper societal challenges regarding interfaith relationships in contemporary India.
In a Pew Research poll, the majority of Indians say they have respect for all religions; yet, is interfaith tolerance sufficient without intermarriage for unity?
Ashis Roy explores the inner lives of couples in Hindu-Muslim marriages, highlighting the psychological intricacies of love amid cultural divides in India.
Although Bollywood romanticizes interfaith marriages, only 1% of Indians are married to someone from a different religion, emphasizing the rarity of such unions.
Roy's study delves into the historical narratives that link and divide Hindus and Muslims in India, examining how these couples navigate their identities.
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