Meghan Markle Pioneers New Frontiers in Unrelatability

Netflix's reality series With Love, Meghan juxtaposes the contrasting narratives surrounding Meghan Markle. It portrays her as a standard human caught in extraordinary circumstances, embroiled in a complicated public narrative fueled by racism and tabloid sensationalism. However, the show struggles between showcasing her life and its more banal aspects, ultimately presenting a mixed message. It executes typical home-hospitality elements but feels awkward in its sincerity, often veering into the absurd—as it mixes high ideals with mundane practices, reflecting Meghan's own challenges of public perception and personal identity.
With Love, Meghan is a testament to the simple but powerful reminder that two things can be true at the same time.
The other truth is that With Love, Meghan is an utterly deranged bizarro world voyage into the center of nothing.
It is at once wildly unattainable, like when she describes the joys of sourcing beeswax from your local beekeeper, and mind-bogglingly basic.
The show can neither flaunt her unusual life, nor embrace legitimate ordinariness.
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