During a Love Is Blind reunion at SXSW, Monica Danús discussed the downfall of her relationship with Joey Leveille, expressing that the show only highlighted their happy moments. Despite appearing joyous, she felt unfulfilled romantically, leading her to confront Joey about her needs, which he neglected. Danús now believes she should have ended things earlier, finding it awkward to watch their journey. In hindsight, she recognizes the disparity in their emotional investment, and maintains a cordial relationship with Joey despite their past.
I know what you see is like, we're golden retrievers - which yes, that is true - but we are multifaceted people.
In the moment I was in it, I was feeling all the feelings, thinking of the future, every moment of every day.
Watching it back, it's like, 'Girl, he's not at the same level you are.'
I should have walked away sooner, which made for an embarrassing watch of the season.