I Believe My Condition Is Bound to Scare Women Off

Dear Scared and Pensive, It's anonymous! As a Type 1 diabetic man who wears an insulin pump, I find it scary to bring up in terms of sex as I find it to be a detractor to people. Is this all in my head?
Dear Gather Ye Rosebuds, It sounds like you might not have had sex since the insertion of your insulin pump, or even since your diagnosis. To find out whether there will be what you describe as a blood flow issue, you might try masturbating and see how that goes.
Dear How to Do It, When you're asking whether your pump, or your condition, is a turn-off to women, consider that you're talking about half of the world's population. That's a lot of people to make generalizations about. Some women are going to pass on being with you for one of a million reasons. Others will be completely understanding-and not weird about your condition, to boot. Most of us have something about ourselves that potential dates might find off-putting, whether it's our health, mental health, kinks, or professions. It's part of dating. So is rejection.
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