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LogRocket Blog
3 weeks ago

Understanding security in React Native applications - LogRocket Blog

Developers are shifting towards hybrid mobile frameworks like React Native instead of creating separate native applications.
React Native architecture involves the JavaScript thread and the native bridge, which can lead to challenges like asynchronicity, bottlenecking, and single point of failure. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

I'm in a Silly, Goofy Mood-30 Fun Items I'm Shopping Just Because

Fun weekly shopping series
Editor's top 30 wishlist items [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Adults Are Sharing The Things They're No Longer Interested In Now That They're Older

Preferences change with age, leading to a shift in social interactions and hobbies.
People prioritize their own enjoyment and authenticity as they grow older. [ more ]
1 month ago

GitHub - unadlib/use-travel: A most powerful and high-performance React state time-travel hook.

- Undo/Redo/Reset/Go/Archive functionalities
- High-performance library built on Mutative for state time travel [ more ]
1 month ago

Navigating Web Development Challenges - JSJ 624

Supabase compared to Firebase for developer experience
Exploring React Server Components with Supabase API [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Exploring Catalyst, Tailwind's UI kit for React - LogRocket Blog

Building UI components from scratch is resource-intensive; UI kits like Catalyst in React streamline development.
Catalyst offers fully componentized React components with dark mode support and intuitive APIs modeled after HTML. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to Share Code Between Micro Frontends

Micro frontends can be used as building blocks for different projects to maintain a consistent look and user experience.
Bit offers tools for component-driven development, allowing shared code among micro frontends. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Using react-to-print to generate a printable document - LogRocket Blog

Using JavaScript's default print function lacks customization for specific sections and style maintenance.
ReactToPrint library offers greater flexibility in generating printable content with custom options and style preservation. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Migrating a JavaScript frontend to Leptos, a Rust framework - LogRocket Blog

Rust is gaining popularity for its performance and safety features.
Leptos, a Rust frontend framework, offers better performance and aesthetic UIs compared to popular JavaScript frameworks. [ more ]
1 month ago

Top 10 Tools Every React Developer Needs in 2024

React SWR is essential for efficient data fetching and updating in React applications.
Bit is a next-generation building system that supports the development of composable React components. [ more ]
1 month ago

Micro Frontends with Vite and Bit

Bit allows for creating components-based projects
Vite can be configured to build components as libraries with ES module format [ more ]
1 month ago

7 Best CI/CD Tools for React in 2024

Ripple CI/CD focuses on components, not projects, enhancing efficiency and precision.
Key features include composable CI/CD, cross-application updates, resumable and partial builds, shorter feedback loops, simplified configuration, parallel processing, and change simulations. [ more ]
1 month ago

GitHub - evoluteur/kaggle-look-alike: Kaggle Data Explorer UI look-alike build with React.

Kaggle Data Explorer UI look-alike build with React.
- evoluteur/kaggle-look-alike
1 month ago

Building a Theme Switcher in React

Creating composable themes for React components can improve accessibility and personalization.
Using a theme switcher simplifies the theming process by managing theme dependencies and allowing easy overriding of existing theme tokens. [ more ]
1 month ago

GitHub - gchumillas/image-editor: Image Editor made in React and TypeScript

Image Editor made in React and TypeScript.
Contribute to gchumillas/image-editor development by creating an account on GitHub.
1 month ago

Quick Tip: Creating a Date Picker in React - SitePoint

Adding a date picker to a React application can enhance user experience.
The react-datepicker library provides customization options like date format, minDate, maxDate, inline rendering, and portal rendering. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Getting started with NativeWind: Tailwind for React Native - LogRocket Blog

Tailwind CSS has a significant impact on web development.
NativeWind extends Tailwind's capabilities to mobile development with consistent design language and mobile-first responsive design. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to Create Interactive Animations Using React Spring - SitePoint

React Spring uses physics-based animations for more natural effects in React applications.
React Spring offers capabilities for animating properties like position, scale, and opacity in React components. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Developing a cross-platform TV app with React Native - LogRocket Blog

Google launched Android TV in 2014, and big brands like Sony, Philips, and Sharp joined in soon after.These smart TVs have become popular over the years, mainly for their apps.
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Essential tools for implementing React panel layouts - LogRocket Blog

Compositional frameworks like React are essential for modern web applications.
Dynamic panel layouts in React offer adaptability, user-friendliness, and customization. [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
1 month ago

A Vue 3 component for creating tabbed interfaces easily

Reusable Vue.js component for tabbed interfaces
Promotes code reusability and maintainability [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Enabling multi-select dropdowns in React Native - LogRocket Blog

React Native developers often use multi-select dropdowns for various scenarios.
There are inbuilt form controls and open-source packages available for implementing multi-select dropdowns. [ more ]
1 month ago

Theming React Components: A Practical Guide

Theming ensures consistency in a web application's user interface
Design tokens are variables storing design-related values for maintaining consistency [ more ]
Kyle Shevlin's Blog
1 month ago

No Outer margin | Kyle Shevlin

Avoid applying outer margins and paddings to the outermost element of a component.
External spacing should not be the responsibility of a reusable component. [ more ]
1 month ago

Top 5 React Best Practices Every Developer Should Know

Composable software architecture encourages building reusable components.
React's component-based architecture fits well with the composable approach. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Exploring useSyncExternalStore, a lesser-known React Hook - LogRocket Blog

useSyncExternalStore is a Hook commonly used by library authors, helpful for subscribing to external data stores.
The basic useSyncExternalStore API takes in parameters like subscribe, getSnapshot, and getServerSnapshot. [ more ]
1 month ago

Understanding The Difference Between Pub/Sub and Signals in JavaScript

Event Driven Architecture is based on events and message exchanges for processing.
Pub/Sub pattern in event-driven architectures allows components to communicate without direct interaction. [ more ]
1 month ago

4 Ways To Manage State In React in 2024

Context API allows global data sharing in React without manual prop passing.
Context API is simple but lacks performance optimizations and data fetching capabilities. [ more ]
1 month ago

3 Ways to Build and Release Components

Ripple directly supports Bit components and their default configuration.
Customize the build and release configurations by modifying the dev environment's build pipeline. [ more ]
1 month ago

Composable Applications: A Practical Guide

Composability simplifies software development by breaking systems into independent components.
Component independence in a system contributes to its level of composability. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to ensure your designs work if you can't access sample data

Content-last design can lead to unexpected issues like formatting problems with actual data.
Create limit tests to ensure designs behave properly with extreme content examples. [ more ]
1 month ago

Do we need state management in React

Local state controls single component, global state controls application logic.
Server Components in Next.js allow rendering without hydration. [ more ]
1 month ago

React Rally

A community React conference August 12-13, 2024
1 month ago

Understanding Cookies and Sessions in React - SitePoint

Cookies are small chunks of data stored by the web browser for the web server.
Sessions represent the time users spend browsing a website and store user-specific data during a visit. [ more ]
1 month ago

Essential React Native Performance Tips and Tricks - SitePoint

Developers need to prioritize performance optimization to enhance user experience in React Native applications.
Balancing animations between the JS thread and the main thread can prevent performance issues in React Native applications. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
1 month ago

The Key to a Fulfilling Career? Variety.

Habituation can lead to decreased satisfaction at work.
Pursuing variety and new experiences can combat habituation. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Building high-performance ecommerce sites with Astro - LogRocket Blog

Develop ecommerce site with Astro's islands architecture
Significance of strong and static typing in frontend projects [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Comparing React Native BLE libraries - LogRocket Blog

BLE supports various applications, including healthcare and IoT.
Choosing a powerful BLE library is crucial for effective React Native app development. [ more ]
Epic Web Dev
1 month ago

Epic React Workshop Series

React experience is highly sought after in web development job listings.
React Server Components and Server Actions are revolutionary technology advancements in React. [ more ]
2 months ago

Enhance Your React Apps with ShadCn Utilities and Components - SitePoint

ShadCn is a versatile library enhancing React applications.
Prerequisites include knowledge of JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, CSS, HTML, and Tailwind CSS. [ more ]
Scalac - Software Development Company - Akka, Kafka, Spark, ZIO
2 months ago

Using AWS Cognito to authenticate via Google Sign-in in SPA

AWS Cognito is a seamless identity platform connected with Identity Providers like Google.
AWS Cognito allows user authentication without the need to host a backend. [ more ]
2 months ago

10 Best Create React App Alternatives for Different Use Cases - SitePoint

Create React App (CRA) is no longer maintained or recommended due to its lack of customization.
Vite is a fast and simple build tool ideal for modern React projects, particularly single-page applications. [ more ]
2 months ago

Custom Floating Shelves

I live in Alaska, where it's hard to find nice furniture.
So I started building my own.
I've been sharing my plans since 2009.
I'm so glad you are here.
Let's build something!
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

A guide to Next.js layouts and nested layouts - LogRocket Blog

Layouts are used in Next.js to manage shared code snippets like headers and footers across different routes.
Next.js recommends using the App Router for managing layouts, but Pages Router can also be used for this purpose. [ more ]
2 months ago

Control Lazy Load, Infinite Scroll and Animations in React - SitePoint

React Intersection Observer assists in lazy loading, infinite scrolling, and animation triggers.
Lazy loading improves performance by deferring loads until elements are visible, benefiting page speed, data usage, and user experience. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Using SignalDB with React: A complete guide - LogRocket Blog

SignalDB is a new client-side JavaScript database focusing on reactive data management.
SignalDB utilizes signals like SolidJS for automatic data synchronization in React applications. [ more ]
2 months ago

Building a Reusable Infinite Scroll Component With React

Infinite scroll feature improves user experience by continuously loading content without manual interaction.
Leveraging components with a next-generation build system like Bit allows for independent development and management. [ more ]
2 months ago

Building an End-To-End App In Under 5 Minutes

Apollo's useQuery API is utilized to define and invoke queries in React applications.
Building custom features involves creating entities, mock data, GraphQL queries, React hooks, and components. [ more ]
2 months ago

Netflix Announces SafeTest, Its Custom Approach to Front-End Testing

SafeTest introduces a novel approach to front-end web testing.
UI unit testing challenges arise from component complexity and dependencies. [ more ]
2 months ago

Understanding React useEffect - SitePoint

The useEffect hook in React enables side effect handling in functional components.
The dependency array in useEffect controls when the effect runs based on specified variables. [ more ]
2 months ago

Creating Extensible React UI Components

Treat UI components as base components with few dependencies and many dependents.
To design an extendible component, it should have a component API, a theme, and be customizable. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Chakra UI adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Chakra UI is a popular React component library designed to simplify UI development and improve efficiency.
Chakra UI stands out for its excellent DX, support for building accessible components, and emphasis on style props. [ more ]
2 months ago

10 React Best Practises I've Learned From Code Reviews

Using Bit allows for the creation of independent React components.
Modularity improves code reusability, testing processes, and UI maintainability. [ more ]
2 months ago

Top 5 Tips for Optimizing React Performance

Minimizing component re-renders is essential for optimizing performance in React applications.
Lazy loading and code splitting are techniques that can be used to optimize the performance by loading only necessary components and reducing initial load time. [ more ]
2 months ago

Printable Chiefs-49ers prop bet scorecard

There are over 2,000 different ways to bet on Super Bowl LVIII
Prop bets can be used in various ways to add excitement to the game [ more ]
2 months ago

Exploring The Adapter Pattern In Modern Web Applications

Use the Adapter pattern to convert an incompatible interface to a compatible form without changing the client and the consumer.
Decoupling frontend components from backend API allows them to be treated as independent entities. [ more ]
Vue.js Feed
2 months ago

Vue3-loading-shimmer - Shimmer Loading effect for Vue 3

A customizable Vue 3 component for creating loading shimmer effects
Customizable background color Customizable shimmer color Customizable time duration Customizable direction
[ Load more ]