Review: 7 Python IDEs compared

Of all the metrics you could use to gauge the popularity and success of a language, one surefire indicator is the number of development environments available for it. Python's rise in popularity has brought with it a strong wave of IDE support, with tools aimed at both the general programmer and those who use Python for tasks like scientific work and analytical programming.
IDLE is built entirely with components that ship with a default installation of Python. Aside from the CPython interpreter itself, this includes the Tkinter interface toolkit. One advantage of building IDLE this way is that it runs cross-platform with a consistent set of behaviors. As a downside,
A good number of IDEs now are frameworks outfitted with plugins for specific languages and tasks, rather than applications written to support development in a given language. Because of that, your choice of IDE may be determined by whether or not you have experience with another IDE from the same family.
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