Paolo Melchiorre - My 2023 in review

This year I managed to take some time to analyze my past year a bit and this has already been very useful, if only because at the end of the year I always arrive with the feeling that time has flown by and that I haven't concluded so much, and so, as I have learned from reading other review, I will write these notes for my future self.
Community This year I tried to continue my involvement in the FOSS (Free Open Source Software) community and in particular the Django and Python community, I ran for election as a member of the board of directors for DSF (Django Software Foundation) and PSF respectively (Python Software Foundation), in neither case was I elected, but I am convinced that my candidacy was useful in bringing some diversification to the list of candidates, and I am convinced that the people elected (many of whom I know) will do a good job.
After organizing the first Django Girls workshop in 2022 in Pescara, my hometown, and after many good intentions, this year I created a volunteer group called "Rete Informatica Donna", which organizes meetings, events, and workshops aimed at promoting digital inclusion and diversity in the IT field.
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