Health Worker Training Program Launched for Formerly Incarcerated Brooklynites

Community health workers are trusted advocates for health and wellbeing in their own communities," said Shari Suchoff, BCC executive director. "By providing the training, skills, and certification needed to take on community health positions, we are empowering these individuals to improve health outcomes for years to come."
Trained community health workers go on to roles as peers, care navigators, and case managers. CHWs bridge the gap between providers and patients by working directly in their communities. This helps build trust, provide mentorship and care coordination, and help to reduce poor health outcomes."
BCC has partnered with Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, an organization committed to racial equity and closing the Black wealth gap in Central Brooklyn, to conduct recruitment and placement support. They have also partnered with Kingsborough Community College to provide training. In addition to the cost of certification, each participant receives a MetroCard and $1,000 stipend to support cost of living needs during the program."
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