A global ad fraud campaign based on Google Ads has made millions

(Image credit: Gustavo Frazao / Shutterstock)
Scammers have used the traffic from an adult website to generate clicks on Google Ad banners, netting them huge returns, experts have revealed.
Researchers from Malwarebytes, which first spotted the campaign, revealed how someone created an ad campaign on one of the major adult ad networks and used the "popunder" ad format.
Being "clean" (no adult content, gambling, or similar), the site was allowed to show ads from the Google Ads network.
Then, they overlaid the site with an iframe showing content from the TXXX adult site.
Per Malwarebytes' estimates, the campaign, which has now been terminated, generated 76 million ad impressions per month which, with a CPM of $3.50, brings profits up to $276,000 a month.
Read at TechRadar