Anonymous browsing helps secure personal information by masking IP addresses and locations. Contrary to popular belief, Incognito mode merely deletes browsing history and does not provide true anonymity. Tools like Tor browser are suggested for enhanced privacy, while browser extensions such as AnonymoX can help users change their IP address and reside in different regions. However, users must exercise caution when installing extensions to ensure their safety and effectiveness.
The idea behind anonymous browsing is simple: it masks your IP address and location to make it appear that you are in a different region.
While Incognito mode is useful for deleting history, it doesn't truly anonymize your browsing or maintain privacy like the Tor browser does.
Always ensure a browser extension is safe before installing; bad things could happen between the time of a suggestion and your installation.
AnonymoX is an extension that allows users to browse anonymously and change their IP address and country, functioning like a VPN.