Union warns Starmer he's making a 'historic mistake' amid the winter payment fuel cut - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

Unite union general secretary Sharon Graham has strongly urged the Prime Minister 'U-turn' on axing the allowance and she accused Labour of making the decision to 'pick the pocket of pensioners' and the rich who get richer remain 'untouched.' She stated, 'We need to make sure that he is making the right choices and leadership is about choices. He needs to be big enough and brave enough to do a U-turn on this choice. It's completely wrong.'
The Prime Minister opened Cabinet by stating the importance of fixing the foundations of our economy in order to carry out the Government's mandate for change. He acknowledged that, given the scale of inheritance, this would be difficult and that tough decisions are unpopular decisions, but reinforcing that it is the tough decisions that will enable change for this country.
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