Tories think being weird makes them interesting, but it just makes them weird | John Crace

"Incompetence, stupidity, corruption, narcissism were a steady background noise. Just a normal working week. So it's come as something of a surprise to find that just a few days into the autumn term, not much appears to be going on in Westminster. No sound, no fury. Just people quietly going about their business."
"Something many of their MPs actively cherish. It's their last remaining identifiable trait. Without it, they fear they would be nothing. Just bits of jetsam tossed overboard as the party sunk without trace on 4 July."
"You might have thought the near-death experience at the election would have jolted at least some of them back to reality. Instead they retreated into their own bunker. Embraced their inner weirdness."
"Weirder still is the fact that the Tories don't even realise that to every sensible person, they are now an irrelevance. They believe their leadership contest is front and centre of everyone's attention."
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