The Australian Breaker Who Broke the Internet

As the internet does what it does and made jabs about Gunn's performance-she ultimately won no medals and didn't earn a single point-it also did the other thing it does and went down a rabbit hole on how exactly someone with less-than-stellar skills managed to represent Australia in the Olympics.
People began to question her bona fides, her relationship to the Australian Breaking Association, and whether or not her performance was an insult to breaking.
Some breakers in Australia and beyond even rallied to her defense. Still others in her home country noted the side effects of the situation were rough, telling The Guardian that Gunn's performance could affect the ability of other dancers in Australia to get support.
How do I go to work now and try to get our sponsorship and get our grant money for breaking programs [for a sport] that's just been made a mockery of? This is actually affecting us on a much larger scale than just memes.
Read at WIRED