Teachers' union loses another legal bid to block funding for A's Las Vegas stadium

"The A's plan to start construction of their new ballpark in 2026 and open the stadium in 2028. However, none of the money has yet been spent and the approvals required to do so have not been obtained."
"District Court Judge Kristin Luis dismissed the lawsuit because the claims of constitutional violations could not properly be made 'until the challenged financing mechanisms become operative.' Luis did not rule on the merits of the claims."
"Luis also rejected allegations that the ballpark spending would necessarily impact funding for public education or would do so in a way that would violate the state constitution. The legislation, Luis wrote, 'does not mention public education or education funding at all.'"
"Alex Marks, the union's director of strategy, said the union's two political action committees working on stopping the A's funding will consider anew a referendum in 2026 - even though the team hopes to start stadium construction by then."
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