New Zealand official signs extradition order to send Kim Dotcom to US

Paul Goldsmith stated he received extensive advice from the Ministry of Justice and considered all information carefully before deciding to extradite Kim Dotcom to the US for trial. He emphasized the decision is not final and allowed Dotcom a short period to consider his options.
Kim Dotcom expressed defiance, stating his intent to appeal the extradition order. He remarked that by the time the appeals are resolved, the world will be very different, underscoring his belief in the potential for prolonged legal battles.
Dotcom criticized New Zealand as an 'obedient US colony,' arguing that his extradition relates to actions of Megaupload users and highlighted that copyright holders had instant removal access, questioning the fairness of his extradition.
A New Zealand Herald report indicated that if Dotcom's extradition proceeds, it could stretch the timeline of his legal woes for several more years, adding complexities to an already lengthy legal ordeal.
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