Miller is infamous for his filmed seminars, which often involve counselling sessions and healing, where his followers' issues are often blamed on their parents. These seminars, created for his active organisations the Divine Truth and God's Way Ltd, are posted to YouTube and recorded to DVD, which he distributes for free.
The Divine Truth teachings, which claim to transform the soul into a state of "at-onement" with God, have drawn significant controversy and have been labelled by critics as destructive and cult-like.
Critics have warned of the potential for harm and the coercive control exhibited within the movement. In a detailed online description of the event, attendees are warned, "People who are unloving to Jesus and Mary, or to other participants, will be asked to leave."
Together, Luck and Miller, or Mary and Jesus as they are known, conduct seminars promoting teachings on love, emotional healing, and soulmates, including a belief that unresolved traumas and spiritual influences control people's lives.