Industry Recap: Love and War

This week's episode goes deep into Robert, who is being hung out to dry by Pierpoint. Post-failure, Lumi is the subject of a government inquest, and Pierpoint has to send a representative who will act as the bank's face and potential fall guy. Of course, that guy is Rob, who never saw this coming. Sometimes, I find Robert's naivete tiresome. You've been in this business for years, guy! You didn't set yourself up for protection? You've never sat Harper down at the kitchen table and asked for some pointers on how to be self-serving? Come on, dude! Get! It! Together!!!!
I will be honest and say I did not care very much about the exact workings of this government inquest, but the broad strokes appear to be Lumi sold itself as a green company that would bring energy to underserved and low-income households. When Lumi went under, it was placed under emergency government control and bailed out by taxpayers for £2 billion. Perhaps worst of all, the low-income folks relying on Lumi for power were literally left out in the cold, with soaring energy bills that they couldn't pay.
Read at Vulture