Google will start deleting many Gmail accounts soon - is yours safe?

The reason: older accounts can be susceptible to hacks 'because forgotten or unattended accounts often rely on old or re-used passwords that may have been compromised, haven't had two-factor authentication set up and receive fewer security checks by the user,' Product Management Vice President Ruth Kricheli wrote in a May blog post for the online titan, adding that the company has 'invested in technology and tools to protect our users from security threats, like spam, phishing scams and account hijacking.'
The updated policy impacts only personal accounts and will provide immunity for school or business ones, according to Kricheli, who announced the move in May.
For users concerned that they could face deletion, Kricheli advises that 'the simplest way to keep a Google Account active is to sign in at least once every two years.'
Read at New York Post