Executive Order to the State Department Sideswipes Freedom Tools, Threatens Censorship Resistance, Privacy, and Anonymity of Millions

The early weeks of the Trump Administration have seen the implementation of several executive orders, raising concerns about their constitutionality and human impact. One significant order, Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, has halted contracts with numerous organizations that develop essential freedom technologies. These technologies enable secure internet navigation, fight censorship, and protect user anonymity worldwide. While certain waivers have been granted, they do not encompass open-source solutions, forcing many projects to suspend or severely limit their operations, thus jeopardizing online privacy and free speech for countless users globally.
In the first weeks of the Trump Administration, a series of executive orders, including one impacting digital rights, have raised constitutional concerns and human consequences.
The executive order suspends contracts with organizations crucial for developing freedom technologies that safeguard security, privacy, and anonymity for millions globally.
Many freedom technology projects are forced to stop or scale back work due to the suspension of funding, threatening their ability to protect users online.
Waivers issued by the State Department have not covered open-source internet freedom technologies, highlighting a gap that could severely affect their development.
Read at Electronic Frontier Foundation