Digital Rights Updates with EFFector 35.16

This issue of our newsletter covers topics including: the surveillance one could be gifting another with smart speakers and other connected gadgets, how to use various Android safety tools to secure your kids Android device, and a victory announcement-Montana's TikTok ban was ruled unconstitutional by a federal court.
Since 1990 EFF has published EFFector to help keep readers on the bleeding edge of their digital rights. We know that the intersection of technology, civil liberties, human rights, and the law can be complicated, so EFFector is a great way to stay on top of things. The newsletter is chock full of links to updates, announcements, blog posts, and other stories to help keep readers-and listeners-up to date on the movement to protect online privacy and free expression.
Thank you to the supporters around the world who make our work possible! If you're not a member yet, join EFF today to help us fight for a brighter digital future.
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