'Internet for All' is the guiding principle for NTIA's broadband programs, and the wireless industry is proud of the significant and widespread role we play in bringing affordable, robust, resilient, and secure broadband to all communities, including rural, Tribal, and low-income urban areas.
CTIA claimed that the $42.5 billion available for BEAD support will not cover construction of fiber to all unserved and underserved areas. It said that some states have come to realize that a fiber-first philosophy 'will deplete their BEAD allocations and leave them short of delivering Internet for All.'
The draft policy clarifies that BEAD would cover alternative technologies when no fiber or 'other reliable broadband' proposals are on the table. With that in mind, CTIA called for NTIA to allow each state 'to design the competitive process and award subgrants to providers that best meet its need.'