Another S.702 reform bill lands, but no warrant requirement

But unlike a rival surveillance reform proposal unveiled earlier this month, the legislation introduced on Tuesday by US Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and friends doesn't require US law enforcement agencies to obtain a warrant before scouring US folks' electronic communications.
Section 702 is supposed to primarily allow American intelligence agencies to pore over emails, phone calls, and texts involving foreigners who are outside the USA. However, if those foreigners contact American citizens or permanent residents, Section 702 allows the Feds to assess material shared with or created by those US persons if it's thought to relate to matters of national security or very serious crimes.
The FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023, introduced earlier today by a bipartisan group of US senators including Warner, Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), does add some safeguards to the US person queries allowed under Section 702.
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