Something (Isn't) in the Water

Portland is the largest U.S. city without fluoridated water, resulting in higher cavity rates, as dentists attribute a notable portion of dental issues to lack of fluoride. Prominent health organizations support water fluoridation as a means to reduce cavities, citing no significant side effects at low levels. Despite an enthusiastic campaign in 2013 to fluoridate the city's water supply, the measure was defeated. The persistent anti-fluoridation sentiment has made Oregon one of the least fluoridated states, complicating public health efforts.
"When you're taking a patient's history, you want to know why they have a lot of cavities. Sometimes it's... 'I grew up in Portland.'"
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Dental Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics all agree: Fluoridated water is an important tool in the fight against 'dental caries.'"
"Portland is the largest metropolitan area in the US without water fluoridation, and... just 26.4 percent of the state's population has fluoride added to their drinking water."
Read at Portland Monthly