The short film "Voices of the Pacific Flyway" showcases the connections between human communities and migratory seabirds along North America's west coast. Through stunning visuals, it follows the seasonal movements of seabirds and highlights various cultural practices tied to these phenomena. In San Quintín, Mexico, the arrival of seabirds is celebrated with a festival, while in Washington, researchers engage in collaborative tagging efforts. In Hooper Bay, Alaska, the Yup'ik community utilizes traditional egg-gathering practices, which face threats from climate change, illustrating broader environmental concerns affecting local traditions.
In San Quintín, Mexico, a joyful festival marks the arrival of seabirds, illustrating a deep cultural connection between local communities and migratory patterns.
The documentary highlights the collaborative efforts of researchers in Washington state, who engage local communities in tagging initiatives to monitor seabird movements.
In Hooper Bay, Alaska, the Yup'ik community’s traditional practice of gathering eggs reflects resilience amid the challenges posed by climate change.
Voices of the Pacific Flyway emphasizes the interdependence of human cultures and seabird migrations along North America's west coast.