The Yurok tribe mourns the loss of Pey-noh-pey-o-wok, a young condor who died from lead poisoning just months after his release into the wild. This preventable tragedy highlights the ongoing threats to the endangered species, where lead remains the leading cause of mortality. A pathology examination confirmed the lead poisoning, and the loss is a devastating reminder for the tribe as they continue their conservation efforts. The surviving flock members are still at risk, prompting calls for change to protect these magnificent birds.
"A natural death would have been less painful for us, the humans watching, as he started to flourish in the wild," Tiana Williams-Claussen, the tribe's wildlife department director, said in a statement.
"Almost seems inevitable that we will lose a bird or birds to lead poisoning if nothing changes," said Yurok tribe biologist Chris West.
"The loss of Pey-noh-pey-o-wok was a huge blow to us. Death is part of work with wild animals, but his was hard as our first loss," said Chris West.
"Pey-noh-pey-o-wok means 'I am friend or kind or good-natured.' True to his name, the young condor was always willing to share his food," said Tiana Williams-Claussen.