Unionized New Seasons Workers to Strike on Wednesday Before Thanksgiving

"We have always had support from our community in our fight for a fair contract," Jimbo Heiner, an NSLU representative at the Sellwood New Seasons, said in a press release. "The number one way that customers can support us now is by refusing to shop at New Seasons this holiday season, and joining us on the picket line on Wednesday."
The union has been bargaining with the company for its first labor contract since the beginning of 2023. Members of the union's bargaining committee say New Seasons "is not offering a viable path forward with negotiations," and say the company has offered "dismal" economic proposals at recent bargaining sessions.
NSLU members want their first contract to include higher wages, annual cost-of-living adjustments, and increased paid time off, among other proposals. But union representatives say the company has not come close to meeting their demands.
While NSLU wants starting wages to be closer to the Multnomah County living wage of roughly $27 an hour, New Seasons recently proposed raising starting wages—currently $16.25—by only 25 cents. Portland's minimum wage is currently $15.95.
Read at Portland Mercury