Multnomah County is currently in discussions to allocate funding for 100 shelter beds at the Bybee Lakes Hope Center in North Portland this spring. This initiative aims to compensate for the closure of a temporary COVID-era shelter in Portland's Old Town. The shift in strategy reflects a significant change for the county, which had previously resisted repurposing the unused Wapato Jail for homeless services, citing safety and accessibility concerns. Despite the county's prior sale of the facility, developer Jordan Schnitzer aims to convert it into a resource for the homeless community.
Multnomah County is initiating funding for 100 shelter beds at Bybee Lakes Hope Center to replace those lost at a closing COVID-era shelter, signaling a change in approach.
The county's funding plans mark a stark change from its past stance against converting the Wapato Jail into a homeless service center, despite previous strong opposition.