Gen. David Petraeus, a retired U.S. Army general and former CIA director, is set to speak in Portland on March 7 at The Old Church. His discussion will focus on his new book titled 'Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Gaza,' which he co-authored with Andrew Roberts. Presented by WorldOregon, the event will explore the history and evolution of warfare, providing insights derived from the extensive research and experiences shared within the book.
Gen. David Petraeus, the retired U.S. Army general and former CIA director, will discuss his new book, 'Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Gaza,' delving into the history of warfare.
The event will be held at The Old Church in Portland on March 7, at 7 p.m., presented by WorldOregon, offering insights into the evolution of warfare.