Last time this happened, we marched across the Broadway Bridge and it was this magical moment of solidarity and righteous protest. But then, someone smashed windows and set dumpsters on fire. Such acts are not only destructive but detrimental to our local businesses, particularly those owned by our neighbors. Economic devastation follows these violent protests, hurting businesses that have nothing to do with the larger political issue at hand.
If you need to protest, what about a good old fashioned die-in? This approach could convey a strong message without causing collateral damage to innocent bystanders and local businesses. Physically destructive protests end up discrediting the legitimate aims of reformers. We need to rethink how we express our disagreement and make sure that our tactics align with our goals.
Let's reach out to organizations that are actively supporting marginalized communities, like immigrants and LGBTQ+ individuals. These groups are in dire need of help and can benefit from efforts focused on constructive support rather than destruction. We should be showing up for each other in meaningful ways that uplift our community rather than creating further division and economic ruin.
We need to prioritize our local relationships over larger political frustrations. Fuck the rest of the US, we’re what we've got and together, we can make a difference in each other’s lives, especially in the face of an administration that threatens vulnerable populations. Only through solidarity and support can we create real change in our community.