Poynter celebrates its upcoming 50th anniversary with the Poynter 50 project, which will highlight 50 pivotal moments that have shaped journalism in the past 50 years. Modeled after ESPN's '30 for 30,' this project aims to revisit significant but often overlooked stories. Notable examples include CNN’s live coverage of Operation Desert Storm, which changed how war was portrayed on television, and the launch of the Drudge Report, which altered political reporting dynamics. This initiative intends to highlight journalism's evolution in unpredictable ways.
It wasn't just a list of the 30 most famous athletes or games or moments. They were 30 people, moments, things, events that were a big deal at the time.
This was probably the first time Americans saw war live at home on their television sets, which is - it's world changing.
This project revisits stories that were significant at the time but may not have been fully appreciated in their moment.
It also makes me take a double-take at everything that happens in the media landscape, as it constantly evolves.