KeyShot is a powerful rendering software that can be used as a standalone application or as a plugin. Primarily designed for product visualization, it excels at creating high-quality still images, videos, and augmented reality content. Over time, it has developed capabilities that place it alongside other renderers like V-Ray and Arnold. Although KeyShot is not the best for compositing, it does support the essential processes needed by most artists to combine various render passes, which can be effectively merged in editing software like Photoshop or After Effects for enhanced visual outputs.
KeyShot is both a standalone rendering software and a plugin, excellent for product visualization and capable of creating high-quality images, videos, and AR.
Compositing combines different render passes to create a final image, each capturing specific aspects of rendering like Diffuse, Reflection, and Global Illumination.
To maximize the power of render passes, they can be merged in editing programs such as Photoshop or After Effects for an efficient workflow.
While KeyShot may not be the most robust compositing option, it adequately supports most artists' needs for integrating various rendering elements.