Is your home a disgusting dump? Here's what's grossing out your visitors - even if they're not telling you

Visitors often judge the cleanliness of your home based on various overlooked details. A Reddit thread reveals that many people are sensitive to aspects like dirty bathrooms, dusty surfaces, and unkempt floors. Commenters emphasize the significance of maintaining tidy bathrooms, keeping floors free of dirt and crumbs, and attending to dust accumulation in unexpected places. The feedback showcases how a few small efforts can significantly enhance a guest's perception of a host's cleanliness and overall home environment.
"They (people) are sitting on the toilet and most likely inspecting what is directly in front of them...and then the rest of your bathroom. Keep it clean."
"Dust accumulated on the top of the toilet and air vents. Someone pointed out to me once and I was mortified..."
"Crumbs, dirt, and any filth on the floors. If it's carpet, dust around the edges near baseboards. Floors are the easiest to keep clean."
"One of my things that I know I am conscious of in my home and others is the bathroom mirror. Splatters all over the mirror makes me feel ick."
Read at New York Post