The Feliway multi-cat calming diffuser kit is ideal for households with aggressive or non-social cats. It releases pheromones that mimic a mother cat nursing, promoting calmness and social acceptance among feline members. A user review highlights significant behavioral improvements, noting its effectiveness for a previously aggressive cat after trying various vet recommendations. The diffuser comes with one vial, with refills available. It's crucial to employ gradual introductions when adding new cats to a home, despite using the calming solution, to ensure a smoother transition.
"I can't express enough how much this has changed mine and my cats' lives. Merging two households wasn't easy on the cats...he would get into moods where he would chase and attack the others and would not let up."
"We tried everything the vet suggested to reduce theses incidences, but getting Feliway was the only thing that worked. He is a completely different cat now."