How To Get Auto-Petters In Fields Of Mistria: Animal Sprite Statues Guide

The latest update to Fields of Mistria introduced auto-petters, which significantly ease the burden of petting animals on a farm. To obtain the crafting recipe for the Animal Sprite Statue, players must navigate a series of challenges, including acquiring the Dragon's Breath spell by completing a quest and reaching certain levels in the mines. The statue can only be crafted after uncovering the necessary ingredients found in a cave near Errol's house, which requires strategic gameplay to access. This feature encourages thoughtful engagement with the game rather than a rushed quest for items.
The addition of auto-petters in Fields of Mistria is a significant time-saver for players managing a large number of farm animals, enhancing gameplay efficiency.
To craft the auto-petter, players must first obtain the Dragon's Breath spell by completing the Breaking the Fire Seal quest and reach specific game milestones.
The cave entrance to retrieve your first auto-petter and crafting recipe is located near Errol's house in The Narrows, requiring specific gameplay preparation.
Engaging with Fields of Mistria's new features should be a natural part of the adventure rather than a rushed grind to obtain newer items.
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