Oliver Keens is brave and correct to make this stand. Rather than children needing to be educated about how to behave around dogs, too many dog owners need a dose of realism. They don't comprehend that not everyone loves their dog, allowing behaviours that are antisocial and threatening to both children and adults. Dogs racing up to people in public spaces creates discomfort, and owners often justify it with 'Oh, he's just being friendly.' Dogs might benefit individuals, but represent a net negative to urban residents.
Christopher Gray points out that the common excuse from dog owners, 'He won't hurt you,' underestimates the situation. Given the rise in dog attacks, people need to consider that the dog might indeed be a threat. There is a need to redress the imbalance in public spaces so that children and non-dog owners can safely enjoy parks, forests, and outdoor play areas. He urges dog owners to acknowledge their responsibility to control their pets and to put them on leads.