Where To Eat With Kids In The Bay Area, According To Caroline Chambers - San Francisco - The Infatuation

Eats is probably my kids' favorite place in the city. We go a lot on Sundays during the Clement Street farmers market. It's perfect because if you're with your partner or another adult, one of you can order and the other can run around with the kids at the market while waiting for the food. I love their granola bowl with roasted strawberries.
Having space where kids can be out of their seats is one of my top priorities for a restaurant, and obviously in San Francisco, space is limited, so that gets tricky. But PizzaHacker has a great, contained courtyard, and the pizza is really good for both adults and kids. My kids are young, so right now we're mostly a cheese or cheese and pepperoni family.
For us, Angelina's is a BYOS (bring your own scooter) situation. I cannot stress how important it is to have an activity for kids while you're waiting for food, because that's when sh*t really goes off the rails. Like at Eats, one adult orders and waits, while the other goes scooting around California.
Read at The Infatuation